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ETH Various

AI based Analyse smart contract code files, Contract Address to detect vulnerabilities and other breaches, automatically code edit and result the reports.

ETH Various

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of

Hedera - Hedera-Native Services Starter Bounty

Project Description

As the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency markets continue to grow, security issues and malicious activities are also on the rise. Phishing, scams, and malicious contract codes are major concerns, especially as they often originate from compromised smart contract code and wallet approvals. In response to this, we propose an AI-powered platform for analyzing, modifying, and improving smart contract codes, providing detailed reports on identified issues and applied fixes.

Preventive Security Checks:

  • Users upload their smart contract code, which the AI analyzes for security vulnerabilities, code flaws, and potential scams.

Automated Corrections and Enhancements:

  • Based on the analysis, the AI suggests and implements modifications to improve the contract code, including applying security patches and optimizing performance.

Detailed Reporting:

  • The platform generates comprehensive reports detailing the issues found, modifications made, and explanations to help users understand the improvements.

Automatic Deployment

  • The modified smart contract can be deployed directly through the platform. This allows users to instantly deploy the analyzed or corrected code without needing to use external tools like Remix.

Ease of Use:

  • Unlike existing professional auditing firms like Certik and Hacken, our platform offers a preliminary self-audit service that is easily accessible. This allows developers and project teams to address security issues early in the development process, making the final professional audit more efficient and streamlined.

How it's Made

Eth Various is a smart contract analysis platform that leverages Galadriel's blockchain capabilities and AI. We've deployed a smart contract (Various.sol) that interacts with Galadriel's OpenAI oracle. The user's smart contract code is sent to the oracle for analysis, with the results returned on-chain. Eth Various covers the gas fees on the Galadriel side, while users are charged for data storage on the Hedera blockchain.

Users sign in or sign up using their email via Web3Auth, which automatically creates a Hedera Wallet. This wallet is used to store analysis data for reporting purposes. We utilize the Hedera File Service to store the response from Galadriel, and the Hedera Consensus Service to store the file ID via a unique Topic ID created for each user.

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