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We want to create a Data DAO where scientists can pay for AI work or different stuff, we want to use Bachalau in order to achieve this


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

The marketplace connects users who want to do some computation with developers who will provide scripts and run them on Bacalhau.

  • Users can submit a computation request, including data to be used.
  • Developers will create a program that does the requested computation and submit a sample result.
  • Users can accept the program by a developer and make payment to this developer.
  • Users will then run the full program on Bacalhau and store the result on IPFS

How it's Made

The frontend was constructed using React,. The core functionality of the platform is driven by a Lilypad smartcontract, written in Solidity and developed with Hardhat. This smart contracts interact is deployed on the FVM Calibration Testnet. Data storage is managed by the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized storage system. To establish the relationship between users and their requested computations, a NOSTR key is used. Furthermore, Polybase is employed to maintain the association between the NOSTR key and the Ethereum Externally Owned Account (EOA).

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