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Postman, but for ethereum smart contracts. Collect and manage all your smart contracts under one roof for easy access.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🥇 Polybase — Best Use

Project Description

A convenient and secure way to manage your smart contracts. This project is a platform that allows you to collect and manage all your smart contracts under one roof. You can enjoy the following benefits:

  • No need to verify and make functions public of your smart contracts (for example, on polygonscan) to share smart contracts functionalities with others. Just add your deployed contract address and abi, and you are ready to go.
  • Manage contracts in folder forms for ease of use. For example, you can create a collection of deployed contracts used in a single project and organize them in a single folder.
  • Share contracts access privately with others, just by entering their wallet address. The contract will appear in their contract lists, and they can interact with it as you allow them to.
  • Add description to your contracts and add description to all your individual contract functions. This helps in communicating what the contract does to other colleagues and clients, and also serves as a documentation for future reference.

How it's Made

This project is made in the next js for the front end with tailwind CSS.

  • Using Polybase for backend database for the descriptions of contracts and descriptions of functions, using polybase for contract access control and folder management.
  • Using ethers js library for calling functions.
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