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A platform that facilitates the building of deeper connections between events venues and their patrons using tokens as a rewards mechanism.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

The eventNOUNS project primarily aims to address the disconnect between event spaces and their patrons; allowing event spaces to then identify and reward loyalty using web3 mechanisms. The project allows event spaces to easily set up the necessary wallets using a simple web-based wallet system that is automatically setup when a venue creates an account either with a simple email or a social login of their choosing.

A wallet for ‘fan token’ issuance is immediately available for venues after onboarding, additionally they will have an Ethereum wallet which they can issue NFT based tickets and engagement reward tokens.

These make up the three token classes of the fan engagement mechanism. Venues are able to set up ‘Happenings’ which are either Events or Experiences. Each ‘Happening’ is represented by an NFT that when purchased ‘fan’ grants them access. Additionally, each purchase of a ‘Happening’ NFT gives the fan an allocation of ‘Fan Tokens’ and rewards tokens as specified by the venue upon creation.

Fan tokens are venue specific and can be spent to gain access to special experiences, tier-gated marketplaces and special access at the venue which issued them. Engagement tokens can be spent at any events space that uses the eventNOUNS platform to access enhanced experiences.

The project's intention is to not only provide the facility for venues to issue ‘Fan Tokens’, NFTs and engagement reward tokens but also to streamline the process whereby venues can create their own DAOs.

Venue DAO members will be able to vote on proposals put forward by the venue. DAO members that satisfy predetermined tier requirements will also be able to put forward proposals. All DAO members who engage with proposals will be rewarded with engagement tokens that will be usable in all venues that use the eventNOUNS platform.

How it's Made

The eventNOUNS platform utilizes Dynamics to simplify the onboarding process for the venues. We took advantage of its multi-wallet multichain feature to have a chilliz wallet and an ERC-20 automatically created during venue sign-up.

After which 100k chiliz ‘Fan Tokens’ are automatically minted to be used by the venue as rewards for the fans.

Post onboarding, the venue is able to create a ‘Happening’ (an Event or Experience) which is effectively a ticket in the form of an NFT. Upon creation the NOUNS API is called which generates a new graphic which is then used to create an NFT that is minted on the chiliz blockchain. These ‘Happenings’ are then visible to fans browsing the eventNOUNS page who own at least one ApeCoin NFT, as this grants access to the platform. The ApeCoin NFT is accessed by engaging with a physical ApeCoin asset using NFC through which the NFT can be claimed. Once granted access they can then purchase a ‘Happening’ using Ethereum and Chiliz.

The Frontend is built upon a scaffold-eth template by the dynamics team. It utilizes Next.js, Ether.js and Hardhat. The contracts are used with the OpenZeppelin Libraries for secure and community-vetted smart contracts. It’s used here for the ERC721Enumerable and Ownable contracts, which form the basis of the NFT smart contract. This choice ensures the security and standard compliance of the NFT functionalities. The deployToken and deployNFT functions in the main React component use Ethers.js to interact with Ethereum. These functions prepare and deploy the ERC20 and ERC721 contracts, respectively, through user interactions on the frontend. The application fetches and displays NFTs owned by the user using the walletOfOwner function from the NFT contract. The NFT images are showcased in a grid layout, enhancing visual appeal and user experience.

Planned improvements include enabling venues to create and manage their DAOs through the eventNOUNS platform. This will also allow the combination of NFTs, Fan Tokens and ApeCoins owned by a Fan to be used to manage their engagement with the DAO community. This includes the management of ability to create new proposals and the weighting of votes on existing proposals.

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