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EveryLens is a dapp that allows you to post anonymously on lens🌿 with Polygon ID.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

The project, EveryLens is a platform that allows lens profile owners to post anonymously on Lens with Polygon ID and lens SDK.

In the landing page, users can choose the create or post page.

In the create page, users can create a VC(verifiable credential) which they can recieve with Polygon ID wallet and the VC is required for posting. So first time users or users who want to refresh their VCs need to go to the create page and verify whether they have a lens profile. If they do have a lens profile, our sever will send the VC data and users just need to wait the frontend to show a QR code and scan it with Polygon Id Wallet. The wallet will download the VC data automatically.

In the post page, users can see the posts posted with pseudonym whether or not they’ve logged in. To post on EveryLens, users need to verify they do have a VC (downloaded in the create page) first. The process is simple, users only need to scan the QR code provided on the Frontend with Polygon ID wallet. If verified successfully, users just can enter the pseudonym they like and post content. Then click the button, the post will be sent to Lens without revealing any personal information of the poster!

How it's Made

EveryLens uses NEXTJS for the frontend and Nest framework for the backend. Polygon ID plays an essential part in EveryLens. With Polygon ID, users are able to verify they do have a lens profile without revealing other information such as EVM address and even the administers of EveryLens are unable to find out who the user is. The anonymity of EveryLens can’t be achieved without Polygon ID. The processes of creating VC, query and verify identity are built with Polygon ID SDK and the processes of downloading the VC, generating proof and sending proof are achieved with Polygon ID wallet. And we use Lens SDK to verify whether one’s address owns a lens profile and to send post on Lens protocol.

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