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F-POAP is a Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) implemented on Fuel. It could be a useful feature for Fuel-based applications and events.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🥈 Fuel — Best Sway Smart Contract

Project Description

F-POAP is a Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) implemented on Fuel. It could be a useful feature for Fuel-based applications and events.

One of the advantages of implementing a POAP on Fuel is the fast confirmation times offered by the platform. This means that event organizers can distribute POAP tokens to attendees quickly and without issues, even if a large number of tokens need to be distributed.

How it's Made

We have developed a smart contract utilizing the NFT Fuel library, which incorporates a soulbound token to enhance its functionality. In addition, we have taken into account the POAP metadata requirements.

To build our solution, we have leveraged the powerful Fuel toolchain, which provides a robust set of tools for developing blockchain-based applications.

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