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Factify is dedicated to ensuring authentic research is accessible for all. By leveraging WorldCoin's unique ID and Sign protocol, we aim to reduce publication bias and connect all stakeholders—researchers, funders, and verifiers. with a token system rewarding ethical publishing:)


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Worldcoin - Best Use of World ID 4th place

Project Description

Project "Factify", creates with the purpose of reducing publication bias as much as possible by using the benefits of WorldCoin uniqueID and Sign protocol applying schemas to all the parties related to the research publishing such as the fund-raiser, the researcher, the document-verifier or even the research instruments to sign the signature to see all the relations whether are there any chances of the publication bias.

Core benefits that we aim: to bring the various types of off-chain data in form of the research documents to the on-chain for the further public good uses.

In a long run, We are planning to create the tokenomic as reward to the research publisher and all the publication relates as a credibility so they can gain more trust by the reader, plus as an incentive to all the contributors (to publish the papers with ethics and for the good uses).

Additionally, using a smart contract to automatically score the bias scoring to each paper and sign in to the schema for more trust of each research.

How it's Made

Using Scaffold + Foundry as a dApp helper (NextJS, Tailwind CSS, Daisy UI for the frontend) Worldcoin for the UniqueID Verifies with Go as a backend of proof verification (with Hexagonal Architecture, Resty + Echo for client side in Go) Signing with the schemas on Sign protocol with the research paper to base64 stores on Arweave. Planning on using Gnosis shattered network encrypt on the Privacy data. All of these making with love and enthusiasm.| :-)

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