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Fake Buster

Fake buster is a social media network that fact checks fake news and rewards colaborators for combating false information spread in the internet

Fake Buster

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ UMA - Best Use

Project Description

  • Who are we? Fake Buster is a decentralized web application that operates as a community-driven platform with the sole purpose of combating the spread of fake news. The platform leverages the power of blockchain technology and decentralized consensus mechanisms to establish trust and accountability within its ecosystem.
  • What do we do? At Fake Buster, our primary mission is to eradicate false news from the digital landscape. We achieve this by employing a multi-faceted approach that combines staking mechanisms and educational initiatives. Through the staking mechanisms, users within the Fake Buster community are incentivized to invest a certain amount of cryptocurrency tokens as stakes. These stakes act as a commitment to ensuring the accuracy and validity of the news they share or endorse. If a piece of news is later found to be false, the staked tokens are forfeited, creating a strong financial incentive for users to only share reliable and verified information. In addition to the staking mechanisms, Fake Buster places a significant emphasis on education. We understand that one of the most effective ways to combat fake news is by empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to identify misinformation. Fake Buster provides resources, guides, and interactive tutorials that educate users on the various tactics used to spread fake news, such as misleading headlines, altered images, and fabricated sources. By raising awareness about these tactics, we aim to arm our community with the skills necessary to critically assess the information they encounter online.
  • How do we identify? Fake Buster employs a multifaceted approach to identify and combat fake news within its ecosystem:
  1. Decentralized Consensus: The decentralized nature of the Fake Buster platform allows for community members to collectively assess the accuracy of news articles. By leveraging the wisdom of the crowd, the community can flag potential fake news stories and trigger further investigation.
  2. Staking Mechanisms: The staking mechanisms create an economic incentive for users to verify the authenticity of the news they share. If a piece of news is flagged as false and subsequently proven to be incorrect, the staked tokens are forfeited, ensuring that users have a vested interest in promoting only reliable information.
  3. User Reports: Community members can report suspicious news articles for review. This crowd-sourced approach helps identify potential cases of fake news that may have slipped through initial screening.
  4. Algorithmic Analysis: Fake Buster employs advanced algorithms to analyze the content of news articles, cross-referencing them with reputable sources and fact-checking databases. Suspicious patterns, misleading language, and inconsistent information are flagged for further examination.
  5. Educational Efforts: By educating users on the various tactics used to spread fake news, Fake Buster empowers its community to identify signs of misinformation on their own. Users are encouraged to critically evaluate the credibility of sources, cross-check information, and assess the overall context of news stories.

How it's Made

In our web3 application, we leverage Polygon IDs to ensure the accurate identification of all users accessing the platform. This vital technical feature facilitates the separation of users into three distinct models: issuers, holders, and verifiers. Thanks to the model's adherence to W3C standardization, it becomes highly dynamic and efficient for managing credentials within this cutting-edge technology landscape.

Moreover, we utilize UMA oracles to grant us unparalleled flexibility in the application of oracles. Their provision of testnet tokens simplifies the process, enhancing usability. What truly sets UMA apart is its decentralized nature, allowing anyone to dispute information, thus fostering a more transparent and trust-based ecosystem. One compelling use case revolves around assertions, reinforcing our belief that UMA is the ideal partner to create exceptional web3 applications using web2 data.

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