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Fast Reach

Connect and network with web 3 friends, message them, say gm and expand your network.

Fast Reach

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project allows you to connect and network with web 3 peoples. Just by putting any web 3 event ID you'll get all the information related to this event such as how many peoples attended this event, date and you can connect all the peoples who has POA NFT minted. You'll get their address, lens handles and forcaster handles if they have xmtp enabled you can message them and network with them. due to lack of time I cant add all the functionalities but in future I have some great ideas like we can message all the peoples who attended event Hey Thanks for joining us at single click. and all this happen on chain.

How it's Made

I recently joined Push protocol event where I can't met all the peoples and I got this idea started searching technologies and this is how built this project, In this project I have used, Nextjs for frontend XMTP for messaging Airstack for data CSS - for styling Thirdweb SDK connection

Thank you

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