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The P2P lending protocol that enables lending USDC to real-world businesses using their public grants as collateral.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Worldcoin - Best World ID Usage Honorable Mention

Project Description

European public grants often take a long time to arrive in a company’s bank account once approved, leaving companies unable to use the funds when they need them most. FastGrant allows crypto investors to advance the company’s grant funding at a premium, using their already approved grants as collateral.

FastGrant tokenizes a company's pre-approved public grant as an NFT, which it then keeps in escrow as collateral. Web3 investors can then lend USDC to a pool destined for the company, which pays back the loan at an interest. This way, companies access their grant funding faster while web3 investors earn a premium on their USDC. Everybody wins!

Companies can log in to the web UI to see the status of their loan requests, whereas web3 investors can log in to manage their portfolio and explore available lending opportunities.

See the pitch deck for FastGrant here:

How it's Made

We built a Smart Contract in Solidity to manage investor loans and recurring principal + interest rate payments, which was deployed on the Base blockchain using Hardhat. The frontend was built on React and we created an API in Flask to validate the Worldcoin verification. We use Circle's CCTP to accept on different multiple chains and trasfer them to Base.

See a full architectural and functional diagram of FastGrant here:

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