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Hackathons facilitator tool, streamlining testnet token management. Organizers effortlessly allocate tokens; hackers withdraw them by accessing a user-friendly pool.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

FaucETH is a hackers’ facilitator, tackling the intricate challenges surrounding testnet token logistics, especially during hackathons. FaucETH provides event organizers and participants with a straightforward and user-friendly hub for managing testnet tokens efficiently. Picture this: organizers creating events and selecting specific EVM chains, sponsors securely contributing tokens using unique codes, and approved hackers smoothly withdrawing from the pool—all accessible 24/7. The stress points of latency, last-minute changes, and unclear distribution dissolve into a streamlined process. Looking ahead, FaucETH holds the potential for expansion to non-EVM chains and mainnets environments, solidifying its role as the go-to solution for hackathon (and general testing) token management. In essence, it's not just a tool; it's a practical revolution in the world of hackathon logistics.

How it's Made

This project has deployed smart contracts, written in Solidity, on the following EVM compatible testnet chains:

We use TheGraph for querying data on the backend without the need of querying it to the blockchain. Once the data is retrieved via GraphQL from a NextJS backend, it's shown on the frontend with React + Tailwind.

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