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FeatureChain is an open source decentralized app that empowers users to create and manage public feature request boards without using centralized platform authorities such as Jira or Trello.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

2️⃣0️⃣ Push Protocol — Top 20

Project Description

Existing apps like Trello and Jira have made significant contributions to project management and collaboration, but they have limitations when it comes to managing public feature requests. A decentralized app can provide a revolutionary solution that addresses these shortcomings and offers unique benefits for effective feature request management.

Trello is widely recognized for its user-friendly interface and visual approach to task management. However, it lacks specialized features specifically designed for managing feature requests. Its primary focus is on task and project management, making it less suitable for collecting, organizing, and prioritizing feature ideas from a large user base. In contrast, a decentralized app can be purpose-built to cater to the needs of users primarily interested in suggesting and voting on new features. It can provide dedicated features such as voting mechanisms, status tracking, and customizable categorization to effectively manage and prioritize feature requests.

On the other hand, Jira is a comprehensive project management tool favored by development teams. While it offers advanced features for issue tracking and workflow management, its complexity can be overwhelming, especially for non-technical stakeholders who want to contribute feature ideas. A decentralized app can bridge this gap by providing a simplified and user-friendly interface that encourages participation from a wider audience. By removing unnecessary complexities, it enables non-technical users to easily submit feature requests, contribute feedback, and engage in the decision-making process.

Additionally, both Trello and Jira suffer from a centralized approach to feature request management. They rely on a central authority or project administrators to review and prioritize requests, which can lead to delays and lack of transparency. A decentralized app, built on blockchain technology, can introduce decentralized governance and transparency. Users can directly participate in the decision-making process, with voting mechanisms ensuring that popular feature requests are given higher priority.

FeatureChain currently supports creating product request boards with custom images, saving public requests, notifying board owners on new submissions, and having the boards managed for free using decentralized tooling.

How it's Made

  • Filecoin and Used for file storage, image, and artifact storage for board metadata and requests. Stores initial board metadata and logos for dynamic serving without additional user cost. IPFS is also used with Spheron to host the web frontend.
  • Polybase: Acts as a decentralized web3 Firebase. Used for ticket and board storage queries and persistance. With Polybase, FeatureChain doesn't need a hosted backed for owner accounts and instead add and pulls lists of active boards for a given account from a 'FeatureChain' collection based on the active account wallet address.
  • Push protocol: The owner of a board receives a notification through push protocol when a new request is published to a board owned by their account.
  • Spheron: Hosting and CICD on every new update of the FeatureChain platform main branch. Saved using Filecoin.
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