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Fhedora is a decentralized project that allows creators to sell keys to their encryption-gated content with ease on EVM. Thanks to Fhenix and its Full Homomorphic Encryption feature, Fhedora can turn a contract into a safe place to sell keys to access premium content


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

Fhedora is a patreon-like alternative decentralized platform with a vision to transform content distribution. Creators can securely upload their content on a smart contract, protected by advanced encryption techniques, and users can seamlessly access premium content with ease.

The project aims to give a new perspective about content monetization and distribution by leveraging blockchain and full homomorphic encryption. With Fhedora, creators can securely store encrypted keys to encrypted content on IPFS and sell these keys trough NFTs, so the user can buy or somehow get permission to read data that they can ecrypt via Fhenix Client to unlock the private key to access their beloved content.

Users can discover and access premium content from their favorite creators through Fhedora's seamless experience. By purchasing tokens, users gain permission to request encrypted data, which can then be locally decrypted for consumption. Join the project and unlock a world of premium content while supporting your favorite creators.

How it's Made

This project is based on Fhenix protocol unique feature and tool. The core mechanic that enable that particular blockchain use case is granted by the Fhenix EVM stack, allowing users to inject encrypted data and make sure the users can access the actual data without having to reveal the data publicly as it is onchain.

For the realization of the project I used Remix paired up with Fhenix Remix plugin, which was really helpful and easy to pick up tool to figure out how the flow of an app should look like

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