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FHE implementation for selttement of electricity transactions


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

Baseline energy profile shows what the energy consumption or generation would have been under normal, non-flexible conditions. Generated using historical energy usage or generation data.

Actual energy profile obtained through real-time or near-real-time monitoring of asset's energy consumption/generation.

Flexibility = Baseline Energy Profile - Actual Energy Profile.

How it's Made

The prosumer's energy assets and metering devices generate and record data on energy consumption and production.

The prosumer initiates a flexibility transaction, specifying their offered flexibility, with the network operator's flexibility management system.

The network operator's flexibility management system validates the transaction and records it on the FHEnix blockchain which utilises FHE to encrypt and perform the calculation on the energy profiles.

Following the calculation, the network operator's flexibility management system delivers the contracted flexibility to the grid.

The network operator compensates the prosumer for the delivered flexibility, based on the verified transaction recorded on the FHEnix blockchain.

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