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We built a MVP of fygitally trading assets on existing web3 NFT marketplaces. Our current tool could onboard artisans to Web3!


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

We believe in the digitalization of identities and values. We want to dive as deep as possible on figital assets. For our first build, we picked the use case of a physical artist who would like to showcase his art to cryptonatives. Our flow is meant for a non-technical user.

Buyer user journey. The Buyer: 1/goes to Opensea, Blurr, Mintle, … and buys a NFT (payment goes to Figitalism) 2/receives push notification from Figitalism to provide us with his shipment address and pay for shipment 3/confirms once he received the shipment

Seller user journey. The Seller: 1/gets the chip from Ownerchip (a "starter-kit") 2/adds it to the item they want to make digi-physical (= a "phygital" object) 3/follows the prompts of Ownerchip starter kit 4/on figitalism, sets the price and select the platforms they want their figital good to be sold on 5/once this item is bought, the seller receives the address where the item should be shipped to 6/once the buyer confirmed he received the shipment the payment flows from Figitalism to the seller

How it's Made

  • frontend in React
  • Starter-Kit from OwnerChip (contains NFC chips from Infineon)
  • scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth-2
  • smart contract: *) tightly-coupled NFT contract *) loosly-coupled NFT contract *) tradeController contract

Interacting with: *) web3 marketplace contract

Also, we created a channel with PUSH protocol:

background image mobile

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