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First-ever EFT collection on Encrypted FileToken Protocol that is deployed on FVM of 10,000 unique NFTs featuring various rarities with real value inside, dedicated to the Filecoin Ecosystem. FileBunnies FREE Mint will happen on June 28 on


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

šŸƒ FVM ā€” Runner Up

Project Description

In honor of the deployment of the first version of to mainnet on June 28th the FileBunnies project is launching: the first-ever EFT collection of 10,000 unique generative NFTs featuring various rarities on FVM with real value inside, dedicated to the Filecoin Ecosystem, IPFS, and everything being created at Protocol Labs. It's a tribute to true web3 builders, such as Juan Benet, head of PL.

The FileBunnies EFT collection - the largest cross-marketing Filecoin Ecosystem campaign in history. Among FileBunnies' partners are more than 130 projects building on Filecoin. Thanks to the EFT Protocol, every FileBunny owner will have access to an encrypted archive with a set of values and gifts from these projects. FileBunnies collection can be your key access point of exploring Filecoin Ecosystem and Filecoin Virtual Machine.

To provide a glimpse of what awaits everyone within the unlockable folder of the pioneer EFT collection, weā€™ll reveal some items, such as:

  • Printable 3d model of FIL coin
  • Filecoin Wallpapers
  • Filecoin Soundtrack
  • Filecoin Ecosystem Catalog
  • Š”hance to find the Lucky Jammy card
  • Bag of FileDoge meme coin
  • Tableland Rig Collection NFTs
  • Extra APY for $FIL staking from FiletFinance and H20
  • Spheron hosting PRO plan
  • Exclusive webinars from
  • Cookbook Early Adopter Badge
  • CollectifDAO FileBunnies Discord role for early community And some other things!

FileBunnies holders are set to enjoy exclusive benefits within FileMarketā€™s future projects, such as an Allow List spot for all future NFT drops on the FileMarket platform. These privileges include access to future governance of FileMarket DAO and incentive programs. Furthermore, users participating in the FileMarket Mainnet Alpha Test, which continues until June 26, will be allowlisted for the free FileBunnies mint. The public mint will consist of higher rarity NFTs, with much larger incentives and NFTs which will be immediately tradable upon the opening of the Secondary Market.

How it's Made

This project leverages EFT (Encrypted File Token) technology and utilizes the existing ecosystem of the File Market.

We've developed a Solidity FEVM smart contract for the FileBunnies EFT collection, which incorporates the following features:

  1. The randomization of metadata and EFT rarity at the point of purchase. The implementation of randomness was somewhat challenging, due to the lack of a mechanism to facilitate this on Filecoin (as there's no Chainlink ecosystem or any equivalent). Moreover, we were keen to avoid making the system overly centralized, so we opted to merge buyer input parameters with certain block parameters, which we viewed as the lesser of two evils. We're committed to addressing this issue in the future, as deterministic randomness presents a significant vulnerability.

  2. The creation of two whitelists for different rarities. This feature hinges on the capability to pass generic data along with EFT transfers, a functionality included in the standard.

In addition, we've constructed a web page using the React framework for the purchase of our collection. To resolve some issues related to concurrent access (with EFT, it is essential to know the token id prior to any interactions with smart contracts, hence we introduced an "id booking" feature) and for indexing of collection data, we employed a Golang backend.

You can view the contract in more detail at this link:

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