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Allowing users to burn hacked wallets through a dApp on the web


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

Imagine your wallet has been hacked, what do you do now? Do you watch your crypto drain away, or are you going to do something about it? Introducing FireWalt... the newest tool built on the slogan “If We Can’t Have It, Neither Can They.” FireWalt enables you to take a bold move and clear your wallet before hackers can take possession of your crypto and slip away.

We recognized that one of the biggest issues when individuals’ wallets are being drained is that the individuals have no control... and we can’t stand for that. That’s why we created a React application that interacts with the Ethereum blockchain using the Web3 library to drain wallets faster than hackers can. This project was a culmination of the ideas of our group brought to life. We explored other ideas like account abstraction and leveraging multiple SDKs to explore alternative avenues, but ultimately, our passions brought us to create this project as the ultimate hack of all!

How it's Made

Built on React, the front end allows for seamless integration for countless wallets, including Metamask and Rainbow. Scan the QR Code and you are good to go, with only two options left - disconnect your wallet, or let it burn. Working seamlessly and efficiently, FireWalt limits hacker access to your funds by draining your wallet as quickly as possible! On the backend, we used Web3 technologies to allow for connect/disconnect as well as for the draining of the wallet.

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