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Gasless and easy stablecoin payments via QR-Code. As easy as existing web2 solutions but without the centralization.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project uses Social Login and Account Abstraction to provide a web2 like user experience for self custodial stablecoin payments. The goal is to have a user experience similar to existing QR Code payment solutions but without the centralization. The onboarding and ui should be so easy that the user does not even has to understand what a blockchain is or that he is using one.

How it's Made

This project uses the Safe AA SDK , in particular the auth-kit as well as the relayer-kit to enable users to easily onboard and send payments while paying the gas in the respective token.

In addition it uses a Subgraph to keep track of a users transaction history and other account details.

Potentiall I also want to integrate sDAI as the underlying token so that users can get yield on the tokens they are holding.

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