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FlashLoan Starknet

Cairo 2 Flashloans interface for a decentralized healthy growth of the DeFi ecosystem on the Starknet community, targeted towards DeFi devs active in the decentralized community of ethereum L1, the contract will be mapped over the balancer flashloans Vaults.

FlashLoan Starknet

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Project Description

Backend, updating some old Flashloans cairo contract and adding some security updates based on the free banacer contract, the idea was to enable free flashloans only from our interface, using STRK tokens, and swapping them for ETH on our own liquid pools before allowing the user to swap in any other DeFi platform. Possible future development may include liquidation bots. This project features starknet-react and the refine dashboard interface to allow users to leverage flash loans for swaps, looping and arbitrages on the DeFi platforms of the Starknet ecosystem.

How it's Made

The project is not yet finished nor operational, but both, the UX and the smart contract part are set up for development, with a dashboard that allows every user to collaborate with a team in order to raise funds for DAOs and commuity using the Defi flashloans mechanics to finalize arbitrages and slippage maneuvering on the most important Swaps of the starknet ecosystem.

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