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Fly Direct

Exchange Health Information using IPFS and Identity based signing

Fly Direct

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

🥉 XMTP — Best Use

Project Description

FlyDirect is an innovative, open-source platform designed to revolutionize communication within the healthcare ecosystem. By utilizing decentralized identities (DIDs) and adhering to Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standards, FlyDirect enables secure, private, and standardized communication among patients, healthcare practitioners, insurers, devices, and related entities. This project is under the MIT license, promoting a collaborative development environment.

How it's Made

Overview of Features

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs):

Enables individuals and entities to control their identifiers, promoting privacy and security in communications.

HL7 FHIR Standard Adherence:

Ensures efficient, world-wide, error-free data exchange and interoperability across various healthcare systems.

Threshold Cryptography:

Offers robust security for sensitive health information through the Lit protocol, safeguarding data integrity and confidentiality.

IPFS Integration:

Provides decentralized data storage, preventing data loss, enhancing availability, and ensuring scalability.

Real-Time Communication:

Facilitates instant, reliable notifications and communications among users via the Push Protocol.

Comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement:

Encourages a holistic decentralized healthcare communication environment for informed and efficient decision-making.

Open-Source Collaboration: Allows developers worldwide to contribute, adapt, and customize, driving the platform's evolution.

Deep Dive



Use of the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard is a central aspect of this script, particularly concerning data structure and interoperability. The script creates a FHIR "Bundle" that encapsulates various healthcare-related resources, in this case, a "MessageHeader" and a "Communication" resource. Here’s how FHIR benefits this system:


FHIR is an HL7 standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically. It's built around the concept of "resources" - basic units of interoperability and modular components that can be assembled into working systems to solve real-world clinical and administrative problems. By adhering to this standard, the script ensures that the data it generates or processes is in a format that other healthcare systems can understand, provided they also implement FHIR.

Interoperability: One of the main reasons healthcare systems adopt FHIR is to facilitate interoperability. Different systems often have their own ways of representing data, leading to significant challenges when they need to communicate. FHIR provides a consistent, easy-to-implement, and rigorous mechanism for exchanging data between healthcare applications. It's designed with the complexity of healthcare data in mind, supporting rich, flexible, and granular data structures.

Flexibility and Granularity: FHIR resources can represent clinical concepts in a granular, flexible manner. For example, a single "Communication" resource can contain information about the sender, the recipient, the message content, and more. This allows for detailed, structured communication that can carry complex clinical information.

Integration with Other Standards:

FHIR doesn't exist in isolation — it's designed to work with other data standards, including those outside of healthcare. In this script, FHIR is being used alongside technologies like IPFS, blockchain, and the LIT protocol. This is possible because FHIR focuses on the structure and semantics of the data, not the underlying transport or storage mechanism.

Enhancing Data Integrity and Security:

While FHIR itself doesn't specify security protocols, it defines the structure of data being secured and exchanged, ensuring that critical information isn't lost or misinterpreted during the process. In this script, the FHIR data is being signed and encrypted before being transmitted or stored, adding a layer of security and integrity checking to the healthcare data.


In summary, by using the FHIR standard for structuring its messages, this script is creating a system that can easily integrate with other healthcare systems, improving the utility and scalability of the application. This standardization is critical for healthcare data, where the accurate exchange of information can have significant implications for patient care.

Threshold Cryptography

###Usage Threshold cryptography is a critical component in systems where you want to decentralize trust and security, especially in sensitive applications like the one in your script. Let's dive into how threshold cryptography operates and its implications in your context:

Decentralized Security:

Traditional cryptographic systems rely on a single entity to keep a secret (like a private key), creating a single point of failure. If the key is lost or stolen, the entire system's security is compromised. Threshold cryptography, on the other hand, splits a secret into multiple shares distributed among various parties. To perform a critical action, like decrypting sensitive data, a minimum number of shares (threshold) must be combined. This method significantly reduces the risk associated with a single point of control or failure.

Enhanced Data Protection for IPFS:

When storing data on IPFS, you benefit from data immutability and redundancy, but you also face potential risks if that data is sensitive. Encrypting this data before storage is crucial, but so is ensuring that the decryption keys are protected. Threshold cryptography means that no single party can decrypt the stored data by themselves, enhancing the data's security. Even if an attacker compromises one party or a share of the secret, they can't decrypt the data without obtaining the additional shares required to meet the threshold.

Collaboration and Control:

In this context, where healthcare data or sensitive communications are involved, there might be multiple stakeholders who need to authorize access to data (e.g., different healthcare providers, the patient, regulatory bodies, etc.). Threshold cryptography allows you to set policies such that no single party has unilateral control over data access. For example, you might require a majority of stakeholders to agree before sensitive data can be decrypted.

Recovery and Redundancy:

Threshold cryptography can also be used for secure backup and recovery processes. If a participant loses their share of the secret (e.g., due to data loss), the system can be designed to recreate the lost share without compromising security, assuming that the remaining shares are still secure and that the threshold hasn't been met. This feature is particularly useful in decentralized systems where individual participants might not have the robust security measures that a centralized authority would.

Integration with DIDs and Blockchain:

In a system that utilizes DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers) and blockchain technology, threshold cryptography enhances security and trust. DIDs are used to verify the identity of participants in a secure, decentralized manner, which is crucial when determining who holds shares of a secret. Meanwhile, blockchain can provide a tamper-proof ledger for recording actions like the distribution of shares, authorization of access requests, or other audit trails.


In the context of LIT Protocol and the script, threshold cryptography provides a robust foundation for secure, decentralized communications and data storage. By requiring multiple parties to authorize critical actions, it enhances the overall security of sensitive data and provides a more democratic approach to data control and access.

Push Protocol: Reshaping Digital Communication

Push Protocol is an advanced communication mechanism that reinvents the traditional ways we perceive notifications. Within the framework of FlyDirect, it isn't merely about receiving a message; it's about ensuring that every piece of vital information seamlessly reaches its intended recipient without delay.

Instant Notification Retrieval: Beyond Traditional Means

The beauty of the Push Protocol lies in its instantaneousness. In healthcare, where every second can be crucial, waiting for vital updates via outdated methods is not just inefficient but potentially hazardous. Push Protocol bypasses these delays. As soon as a sender—be it a healthcare provider, medical device, or laboratory—generates a piece of information, the recipient is immediately notified. This promptness ensures that caregivers and patients are always equipped with the most up-to-date information, enabling timely decisions and interventions.

Sovereign Data Control with Decentralized Identifiers (DID)

An essential facet of the Push Protocol's operation within FlyDirect is the use of Decentralized Identifiers (DID). When a message or notification is created, it's stored on IPFS and associated with a unique DID. This DID-centric approach guarantees that data ownership remains with the user. Recipients, upon receiving a notification, use the DID to fetch the encrypted message. By integrating DIDs, Push Protocol provides users with an unparalleled layer of control, autonomy, and security over their data, ensuring that only the intended parties have access.

Seamless Integration for Enhanced Coordination

The true potential of the Push Protocol is realized when considering its holistic integration with FlyDirect's suite of features. By acting as a reliable messenger that ensures encrypted, real-time delivery of notifications, it plays a pivotal role in fostering better coordination amongst healthcare stakeholders. Whether it's a patient awaiting critical lab results, a doctor needing real-time updates from medical devices, or insurers coordinating with healthcare providers, the Push Protocol ensures that every stakeholder is always in the loop, paving the way for a more collaborative and efficient healthcare ecosystem.

IPFS and Filecoin: Pioneering Decentralized Storage

In the realm of digital data storage and communication, particularly in sensitive sectors like healthcare, traditional methods have often fallen short in terms of security, permanence, and privacy. FlyDirect heralds a transformative approach to these challenges by integrating the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and the Filecoin network via the Web3 storage API, setting a new standard for data storage, retrieval, and sharing in healthcare.

InterPlanetary File System: Immutable & Permanent Data

IPFS lies at the heart of FlyDirect's storage solution. It's a peer-to-peer distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files. In this system, files are addressed not by location, but by what they contain, using a cryptographic hash. For FlyDirect, this means that healthcare data isn't stored in a single location that could be prone to failure or alteration. Instead, data is distributed across a network, ensuring immutability and permanence. Medical records, test results, or any other forms of data are given a unique fingerprint (hash), ensuring that data integrity is maintained and that records cannot be tampered with post-creation.

Filecoin Network: Ensuring Data Availability

While IPFS guarantees the immutability of data, the Filecoin network, accessible through the Web3 storage API, ensures its availability. Filecoin facilitates a decentralized marketplace for storage, where individuals can pay to store their files or earn by offering their storage. This marketplace is built upon the Filecoin blockchain, which provides a public record of all transactions. Within FlyDirect, this serves a dual purpose: it provides a robust, resilient, and verifiable storage solution while also incentivizing data availability. This is crucial in healthcare, where the loss or unavailability of data can have dire consequences.

Unified Through Web3: A Secure, Interoperable Ecosystem

The Web3 storage API acts as a bridge in FlyDirect, connecting the application to the storage power of IPFS and the Filecoin network. This unified approach provides users with simplified, secure, and resilient data storage capabilities. By leveraging this technology, healthcare data is no longer siloed or vulnerable but instead becomes part of a global, interoperable, and secure network. This not only enhances the security and privacy of sensitive medical data but also significantly contributes to the creation of a more open and connected healthcare environment, driving forward the entire industry.

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