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A fully decentralized information provider where knowledge is freely accessible and available forever.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Key Features:

Decentralized Storage: Utilizing blockchain, information is stored across multiple nodes, making it resistant to censorship and data loss. Community Governance: Decisions about content, revisions, and updates are made democratically by the community of users, promoting transparency and inclusivity. Immutable Record Keeping: Each edit or addition is recorded as a transaction on the blockchain, ensuring a tamper-proof and transparent edit history. Open-Source and Accessible: The platform is open-source, allowing developers and users to contribute and access it freely. Incentivization Mechanism: Contributors are rewarded with tokens for their valuable contributions, encouraging quality content creation and curation. This project aims to build a more democratic, reliable, and resilient knowledge ecosystem, ensuring free access to information for everyone, everywhere.

How it's Made

Decentralized Wikipedia is made using blockchain technology to store and manage information across a distributed network. This ensures data integrity, and transparency, and democratizes content management through community governance.

To make things fully decentralized and content available forever.

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): Used for decentralized data storage. IPFS allows the distribution of high volumes of data across multiple nodes, enhancing accessibility and redundancy.

BOS (Blockchain Operating System): Employed for the decentralized frontend. This ensures a distributed approach to user interface management, enhancing the resilience and availability of the platform.

Smart Contracts: Utilized to store content hashes and Content Identifiers (CIDs). This ensures the integrity and verification of data stored, as changes are transparent and traceable on the blockchain.

Staking Contract and Yield on Stablecoin: A mechanism to incentivize high-quality content. Users can tip authors with stablecoins, providing a financial reward for valuable contributions.

Staking for Content Creators: Content creators are encouraged to stake their cryptocurrency to back their content. This method adds a layer of accountability and trust, as creators have a vested interest in the accuracy and quality of their submissions.

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