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Organically grow your NFTs and the stories around them with AI and on-chain minting


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

FOUNDERVILLE was inspired by Dieter's talk on designing NFT games in an open environment. He discussed the idea of implementing rules for a Farmville-like game, where players can grow their own custom blueberries in a game originally launched with only strawberries. We decided to take a different approach by focusing on growing villagers and their stats, inventories, and overall stories, using AI as the narrator.

Our vision for this game incorporates tokenbound accounts and LLM technologies to create NFT characters with highly unique inventories and an unchangeable history that reveals how they acquired their items and the events they experienced.

Currently, the game operates through daily situations for your village, which are determined by a neutral contract independent of the client. In each situation, players can choose a villager to address the issue and potentially unlock a new chapter in the NFT villager's story.

For example, let's say your villager has a strength level of 8 out of 10, intelligence level of 2 out of 10, and dexterity level of 7 out of 10. The situation at hand is a bear attack. Due to their high strength, your villager is likely to survive. Through AI roleplay, the game indicates that your villager successfully defeated the bear and acquired a bear fur coat as a result. The smart contract acknowledges this accomplishment and allows you to mint a bear fur coat item for your NFT villager. As the game progresses, your NFT villager may be better equipped to survive a harsh winter situation compared to others, thanks to their bear fur coat.

This approach creates an unchangeable history and a genuinely unique NFT experience, enabling players to track and review the outcomes of each situation. Over time, some NFT villagers may possess powerful inventories that other players desire, while others may gain notoriety for their comical or dramatic histories. As these NFTs retain their value, players can nurture their assets, making strategic decisions and actively participating in the game mechanics to enhance their characters.

How it's Made

This dapp operates using scaffold-eth as the boilerplate. From that point, we programmed a preliminary structure in the smart contract to mint and keep track of NFT villagers and NFT items, with forward compatibility to further program the ability to traverse inventories and multiple layers of token bound accounts.

Our front end interacts with those defined functions through React and NextJS with the help of scaffold-eth's blueprint for accessing things like wallet addresses, contract address, etc.

In addition, in order to display some character images and illustrate how the game may look, we used Noun's ⌐◨-◨ developer api in order to put faces to the villagers.

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