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Puzzle game to collect randomised fractional NFTs. It's mainly for beginner Artist/Collector friendly platform. Build By the Artist for the Artists.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

We are developing a fractionalized NFT marketplace that turns art ownership into a puzzle game. Here's how it works:

  • Artists mint their artwork as NFTs on our platform. Our smart contract splits each NFT into randomised fractional tokens.
  • The fractional NFTs are listed anonymously on our marketplace. Collectors buy and trade the fractions, not knowing which famous artist they belong to.
  • Collectors try to gather all the fractional NFTs to complete an artwork. Our contract automatically rewards the first collector who successfully reassembles an artwork NFT.
  • By fractionalizing artwork, we make owning exclusive art more fun and accessible to regular crypto users. The platform breathes new life into NFT collecting.

Our technical approach uses Ethereum, smart contracts, and indexed database lookups to power the fractionalisation and rewards. The front end is built for smooth trading, and community engagement around the artwork mainly focused on beginner Artist/Collector.

How it's Made

Currently we have just designed the basic concept which we're gonna built on. Here are the priorities we need to focusing on for the initial minimal viable product:

  • Finish core FractionalizedNFT minting contract
  • Implement ArtworkTracking to handle reconstruction
  • Build basic ShardTrading for peer-to-peer exchanging
  • Develop intuitive frontend for minting and trading shards
  • Deploy to testnet and allow artists to fractionlise test NFTs
  • Enable collectors to reconstruct artworks and win rewards
  • Gather feedback, refine UX, fix bugs, improve documentation

We are still exploring which protocols or technologies would be great fit for our project. I request to the Mentors to please suggest and guide us further.

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