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Sellers can sell products on arbsepolia chain by create accounts via Google, upload products with fixed price then get their sharable frame links. Buyers view the product details, purchase items, entering shipping addresses post-payment for seller visibility and for shipping


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Winner of

Arbitrum - DeSoc 1st place

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

Using acccount abstraction on ArbitrumSepolia , a seller can create an account with Google Auth credentials, its a frame in which the data is uploaded on to the tableland on arbitrumSepolia,, AWS S3Bucket for images then he gets the framelink can share it directly pasting the link in frames, it will be rendered as image, with his details filled in the form, with pricing then users need to pay after the product payment can fillup their shipping details(also other details if needed) which will sent to the sellers database where he can see all the details of his customers shipping details (along with other details) goes by using mongodb database where only the sellers can see their own customers shipping details where they paid to product.

How it's Made

To onboard the Sellers we use account abstraction with Google signIn on Arbitrum Chain, creating his product with necessary information about product done on tableland using arbitrum chain, for images handling we use s3bucket, also using frames technology within the warpcast app.Database for only going data to specific sellers who have bought by customers/buyers

background image mobile

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