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Frens On Chain

Frens On Chain are 100% on-chain generated, dynamic NFTs and your new on-chain frens!

Frens On Chain

Created At


Winner of


šŸŠ Mode ā€” Prize Pool

Project Description

šŸ‘‹ Welcome to Frens On Chain! šŸ¶ Frens On Chain are 100% on-chain generated, dynamic NFTs and your new on-chain frens! šŸ½ļø Take care of your fren by feeding it, playing with it and cleaning it! šŸ‘€ Your fren will appreciate that and its appearance will change accordingly! šŸŒŸ Remember, Frens On Chain last forever!

How it's Made

The back-end and smart contracts are built using Solidity, Hardhat, OpenZeppelin, Remix and SVGs.

The front-end has been built using react.js , node.js and ethers.js.

It is a new way for on-chain generating dynamically adapting NFTs.

Frens On Chain is currently live on the following Goerli networks: Optimism, Base, Zora and on Mode Sepolia

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