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Frog Relayer

A permissionless intent-based relayer to enhance decentralization and user experience while allowing more communities to join the ecosystem through the role of relayer

Frog Relayer

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Chronicle Protocol - Integrate a Chronicle Oracle

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project proposes a new concept "permissionless intent-based relayer". The concept of intent-based tx has been proposed and more and more implementations such as UniswapX. The intent-based tx, can greatly improve the UX and achieve more types of transactions. For example, users can sign their intention to place a limit order. But usually, the role of the relayer is centralized and operated by a team. Therefore, through the permissionless relayer mechanism, we can use a relayer manager smart contract and signature algorithm to decentralize the role of the relayer. The protocol can also be integrated with AA such as EIP4337 or other chains which have native AA wallets to optimize user experience.

How it's Made

The project consists of several parts

  • Relayer manager (on-chain smart contract): Everyone can register as a relayer to join the ecosystem (built by Solidity, Hardhat)

  • ERC20Permit (For demo): We deployed an ERC20Permit contract on many chain (goerli, arbitrumGoerli, base, gnosis, scroll, linea, polygonZkEvm, mantle) to demonstrate how powerful of our fully on-chain permissionless intent-based relayer mechanism.

  • Relayer: To optimize the user experience, we run a relayer to help users send txs. So users only need to sign their intention, and then send the transaction payload and signature to the relayer, the relayer will help to complete the transaction.

  • Front-end: A client-side that helps users filter or select relayers with good reputations (built by ReactJS/NextJS, WAGMI, Viem, Metamask SDK)

  • Subgraph: To enhance the UX we use the subgraph provided by The Graph to subscribe to the on-chain contract so that the client side can obtain the latest relayers' information anytime without syncing all on-chain data every time.

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