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From ZK With Love

Trustless, safe and private donations directly to the people who need it. No more centralized distribution through governments and organization.

From ZK With Love

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

ZK With Love provides private and trustless donations to Africa (or anyone in need) using zero knowledge and stable coins (USDC).

The UN estimates, only 30% of development assistance reaches its final destination. The final destination is individuals who need it the most. Instead of trusting centralized sources of distribution (governments/NGOs) or P2P payments that aren't scalable, "From ZK With Love" provides a trustless way to donate.

With "From ZK With Love", donators can send USDC to an escrow account. Recipients of the donation can prove their identity by providing a correct donation code. This removes the need for waste in the donation from negligence, greed, or fraud.

How it's Made

The project deploys an Escrow Contract deployed on the Celo Testnet. Unable to test, but this is designed to work with MiniPay

This Escrow Contract uses the Circle USDC Contract to send and receive USDC. The application uses a Noir circuit to compare a private input (the correct Donation Code) with the one of the user. If they are correct, a proof is is generated.

The application built with the Celo Composer then sends the zk proof, the wallet address and the donation code to the escrow smart contract.

This triggers a USDC Payment to the receiver.

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