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Front Door

The Open Referrals Protocol. Front Door unlocks collaboration in the $420 billion recruitment ecosystem.

Front Door

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Front Door The Open Referrals Protocol

Front Door unlocks collaboration in the $420 billion recruitment ecosystem.

The ecosystem is highly fragmented, participants have conflicting incentives, and collaboration is fraught with friction.

Improved collaboration would deepen the talent pools that hiring entities can access, enable recruitment firms to reduce wasted effort and increase client satisfaction, enable individuals and community leads to refer-to-earn from their professional networks.

Front Door uses Web3 tools and technology to solve a Web2 human coordination problem with a huge size of prize.


A few key factors block scalable cooperation within this ecosystem, revolving around Trust, Reputation, Incentive Design, and Transparency.

Need for Trust: you give your value up front, having to trust the other party for payment, and employers need to trust the quality of referral.

Lack of Transparency: referrals you make, whether you’re a professional recruiter, an individual candidate, or referring a friend, feel like they go into a black box and it can be hard to know what (if anything) happened.

Reputation Locus: if you collaborate with another network participant, you build their reputation and not your own. A painful Catch 22.

Ephemeral Reputation: it’s hard to tangibly demonstrate your value, so you’re only as good as your last referral, or your personal brand on social.

Poor Incentive Structures: individuals referring someone from their personal network carry higher reputational risk but with 10x lower rewards. Solution

These problems are ones that blockchain was built to fix. Front Door solves a huge coordination challenge in the ‘real world’ and moves Web3 closer to mass adoption.

Front Door is an open referral protocol that provides:

Trustless Trust: smart contracts handle distribution of value between network participants and control the process.

Transparent Outcomes: performance records are on-chain and therefore transparent and public, key actions (e.g. contacting a candidate) are also clearly recorded, reducing the ‘black box’ effect. In future notifications about a recruitment process, could be as transparent as the notifications you receive from Uber. All based on on-chain data.

Reputation Locus: reputation is built at the source of value, with the person who initially referred the best candidate (solving the Catch 22). It is also built with the hiring entity, helping to build trust for future referrals.

Tangible Reputation: network participants build immutable on-chain reputation that will increase their access even if the players change. This is based on feedback loops built into the product.

Strong Incentive Structures: everyone delivering a valuable introduction has equal opportunity to refer-to-earn. This value is set by the person posting the role, and they can change it as roles become more / less urgent and in response to candidate supply.

(65% to the initial referrer, 10% to the candidate themselves, and 25% back to the platform - decreasing over time).

How it's Made

By leveraging Web3 tools and technology, Front Door addresses industry challenges such as fragmented participants, conflicting incentives, and limited transparency. The platform enables clients to post job requirements, receive candidate suggestions, control the interview process, set fees, and ensure timely payments. Candidates receive their recruitment fees upon successful completion of the hiring process, while clients are provided with a refund period and risk mitigation measures.

Integrating Ceramic Network's features, we enabled instant job creation, updates, and deletions off chain, providing an efficient and secure framework for recruitment transactions. This platform combines the speed of on-demand token transactions with the security and flexibility of off chain job functionalities.

During the development process, we accomplished the following:

Added job functionality: We developed and implemented features that allow users to post job requirements on the platform.

Edited job functionality: We made modifications and improvements to the job-related features, enhancing user experience and efficiency.

Deleted job functionality: We implemented the capability to remove job listings from the platform as needed.

Connected job seekers to job recruiters: We integrated Huddle01 video chat functionality to facilitate real-time communication between job seekers and recruiters, improving the hiring process.

Enabled referrers and referrals: We implemented features that allow users to refer candidates for job opportunities and track the referral process.

In summary, our work involved:

Authoring Solidity smart contracts functions for registering candidates, referrers, referees, and jobs. Implementing a method for job creation: This function enables entities to create new job entries within the system. Developing a method for marking a job as deleted: This function allows companies to flag and effectively remove specific job entries from active listings. Constructing a method for listing all jobs: This function fetches and displays all current job listings, providing a view of available jobs. Creating a method for listing all jobs by a specific company: This tailored function enables users to view all job listings posted by a particular company.

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