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Funds Flow

Funds Flow is an innovative way to stream a grant to chosen builders, and reward them based on their work/involvement within the community. Community members with a voting NFT will be able to assess them, which will be reflected on each builder’s stream flow

Funds Flow

Created At


Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

Protocols do not have a good way to ensure that a grant or allocated pool of money will be used adequately by the recipients. In the same way, grant receivers are not incentivized to be productive. Here comes Funds Flow a grant stream smart contract managed by members of the community!

Grant givers will select 5 builders of a community and stream a grant equally divided between those users. After a certain period of time, selected members of the community will be able to assess the best and worst contributor of those 5 users. They will be given a special NFT that grants them this right.

After a certain period of time, the exclusive NFT holders will have the possibility to vote on who they think has contributed the most to the community and the one who has contributed the least. After votes reach a certain number, the SuperFluid stream of the user with the most downvotes will decrease, and go towards the top 3 users.

Funds Flow is thus a solution to help bring more visibility for donors on their distributed funds and more fairness for contributors all while increasing community engagement and value.

How it's Made

We used @Superfluid CFA implemented, with streams going to many receivers and flows being updated using updateFlow, @OpenZepplin and @IPFS/ for NFT generation, @PUSH in our smart contract and frontend, @wallectconnect in the frontend

And Typescript frontend with a Solidity backend

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