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Gacha Hook

The Gacha Hook addresses high entry barriers, illiquidity, and inefficient revenue models in the NFT market by enabling fractionalization and cross-chain support for a more accessible and dynamic trading experience.

Gacha Hook

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

Problem 1: High Entry Barriers

  • Issue: Blue-chip NFTs like BAYC, Azuki, and CryptoPunks are prohibitively expensive, making it difficult for most people to invest.
  • Solution: By fractionalizing NFTs, users can purchase smaller portions of these high-value assets, dramatically lowering the entry cost and making premium NFTs more accessible to a broader audience.

Problem 2: Illiquidity

  • Issue: NFTs, as unique assets (ERC-721), are challenging to trade quickly, leading to poor liquidity and difficulties in price discovery.
  • Solution: By integrating fractional NFTs with Uniswap, liquidity is greatly improved, allowing faster and more accurate price discovery. This integration ensures that NFTs can be traded more seamlessly, similar to fungible tokens.

Problem 3: Inefficient Revenue Models

  • Issue: Many NFT projects rely on limited revenue streams like merchandise sales, failing to tap into more sustainable or diversified income options.
  • Solution: The project introduces Web3 and DeFi integration, unlocking new revenue models that provide NFT holders with sustainable income opportunities beyond just merchandise, allowing more consistent and scalable returns for both creators and collectors.

How it's Made

For our project, we used the Uniswap Base Hook template as a foundation. We implemented a custom beforeInitialized function to ensure that the trading pairs adhere to specific rules. Additionally, we created an afterSwap function to verify the swapper's balance and integrated Chainlink VRF to generate true random numbers, enabling NFT redemption for the swapper. To enhance the user experience, we incorporated CCIP, allowing swappers and traders to seamlessly bridge assets to another chain after the swap, ensuring smoother cross-chain functionality.

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