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Galata Charity Relay

Relay between businesses and non-profits / charities for transparent and traceable donations

Galata Charity Relay

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Gnosis Chain - Innovate on Gnosis Chain

Prize Pool

Project Description

Suppose you’re a business that wants to support sustainability through offsetting carbon. There are plenty of charities out there that offset carbon often by a certain amount per unit of currency. How do you choose the best strategy to maximise the amount of carbon you offset? You could offload it to a third party to ensure that you’re removing the most caron for your money. But how would you prove that you, the business, are the one that’s actually donating to the charity?

Galata is a protocol created to solve verifiable direct transactions from a business to a charity, that can be managed by a third party.

Firstly, we verify charities to their wallets or accounts on chain.

Secondly, a manager can create a batch of transactions to any number of charities on chain, with varying amounts. And all a business would have to do is approve the transaction. The flow of money would be directly between a business’ account and a charity’s account. Additional benefits to this include easy to prove tax offsetting.

How it's Made

We utilize Solidity + hardhat for smart contracts, nextjs for frontend. We depolyed on 6 chains (Gnosis chain, Filecoin, Scrolls, Chiliz, Arbitrum Goerli, Arbitrum Sepolia). We use WalletConnect Web3Modal for interaction with wallets. All the contracts are verified on chain and were tested with scripts and FE as well

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