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Gasdrop allows users to interact with DApps without paying gas fees. Instead, they are shown Ads provided by sponsors during the transaction.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of

🥇 Airstack — Best Use

🏃‍♂️ Safe — Runner Up

Project Description

Gas fees are one of the biggest friction points for crypto users. While various approaches have been suggested using AA and Meta-transactions to solve the issue, we propose a unique approach with competitive advantages. The existing project usually require DApps developers to cover users’ gas fees, but we are proposing a completely novel economic approach.

  • Enter GasDrop! Seamlessly connect with sponsors to handle gas fees. This will boost mass adaptation and onboarding new users into Web3. Introduces a New Monetization Method using Ads.

Sponsors can deliver Ads based on users’ wallet behaviors (e.g. AirStack). This On-chain Marketing will maximize marketing efficiency for sponsors.

  • Deliver Ads on specific chain transactions
  • Target Wallets with a history of frequent NFT transactions
  • Focus on wallets that frequently interact on protocols like AAVE & Uniswap
  • Deliver Ads to wallets which have decentralized social accounts

Win Win Win! All Involved parties have benefits User doesn’t have to pay gas fees, sponsors can deliver Ads effectively, and it provides new monetization methods for service providers. We will onboard millions of users with GasDrop!

How it's Made

To showcase our solution during the hackathon, we have tried to rely on as much as possible existing libraries and infrastructures to shorten our development time. We have used Gnosis-safe-web library as our main UI interface, with our own customization to alter the default user flow for transacting with dapps using their smart account wallet, so the transaction can be sponsored and the ads can be shown to the wallet owner before submitting the request to sign the transaction signature.

Another reason for using this UI library is that they have already integrated WalletConnect, which is crucial for the smart contract wallet to be able to interact with any dapps.

Worth to mention that currently there is no anti-cheating logic implemented to prevent users from skipping the ads and submitting the transaction by changing the frontend code.

For this hackathon, we have created this solution especially for gnosis safe for demonstrating purposes. Our final goal is to create an SDK which can be integrated by any wallet project which is following the EIP4337 standards.

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