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On-chain ride sharing. Making drivers and passengers meet, fully decentralized.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum -  Stylus Project 1st place

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project uses Arbitrum Stylus SDK, enabling the development of smart contracts in the Rust programming language. This enabled the contract to achieve good performance and memory efficiency. Leveraging this efficiency we manage fully on chain the compute of nearest drivers to passengers, using the geohash algorithm.

How it's Made

Contract: Demo front end: A Rust smart contract handles the driver registration and location updates. Aggregators can freely participate in the network, offering the services of aggregating multiple drivers and updating locations in batch. When a user requests a ride, invokes the contract to find a match. Leveraging the high performance afforded by the Stylus SDK and Rust programming language, the smart contract computes which driver is closest to the passenger, emitting an event notifying the driver and registering the active trip. Once the trip completes, the rider notifies the contract that it was completed succesfully, and the contract distributes the payments to the driver and a small fee to the platform.

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