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Challenge your friends in real-time running challenge and win all amount staked in smart-contract.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Celo - Best Dapp for MiniPay 3rd place

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

Real-world game where two users stake tokens and race for them to randomly drop pins on a map. Users can create a challenge themselves simply by buying a city NFT and staking any amount of money. Another user that stakes the same amount in the same pool agrees to challenge and a random location on the map will be generated. The first player to reach the destination can claim all staked money.

One who reaches the pin first wins all staked tokens.

How it's Made

This project is a browser-based build on React. You can connect almost any wallet using Wallet Connect. There are solidity smart contracts (NFT minting and Staking) currently deployed on the Celo testnet, Arbitrum One, and Chiliz Testnet. Staking contract works on random pools that is created according user's wallet address. When the stake is claimed pool is closed. There is no limit on how many players can join the pool. But the challenge begins when there are at least two players.

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