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Add geolocalisation to NFT meta to serve an entrypoint to the web.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project give the possibility to associate a location to an NFT. It is not defined with ERC-721 and there are some initiative for GeoNFT, but nithing much. The idea is to prove that it is valuable and old NFT can transit seamlesly to GeoNFT. GeoNFT are more entrypoint. They are set first to give information to the visitor. So they are much a door to access the web instead of proving ownership. So new fields are thought like website url to be linked with an NFT.

How it's Made

There is a flutter App compatible with IOS, Android and web. the App use the security within the phone for storing the private keys. There is a backend server with: A service to listen to the new NFT minted and to register them if they have a location A service that listen to change in ENS Name to see if the location field is set.

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