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Accounting & Management Software that permits reliable recording and tracking in natural language.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Geppetto: Decentralized Accountant with Web 3 embedded


Accountability software system designed for enterprises, entrepreneurs and small businesses alike. The software enables employees, managers and directors to record and track both internal and external transactions or business day to day operations by simply sending messages to a chat.

This innovative program has the ability to understand the information contained in the messages written in natural language, and seamlessly transform it into an accounting entry. How does this work? The program detects the different financial statement accounts, quantities, dollar amounts and types of business transactions/operations from the messages sent. This triggers recording of transactions to the blockchain according to the information given in the accounting entries, and updates financial statements in real time.

☑️ Functionalities and Capabilities

Geppetto is an interactive assistant designed to simplify and streamline the way businesses handle their accounting. The interface is reminiscent of a chat between the user and Geppetto, making complex processes feel natural and intuitive.

🔹 Recording Transactions: Users can relay transactions that have taken place in real life related to their venture. Geppetto then utilizes this information not only to record the suitable accounting entries onto the blockchain but also to construct comprehensive financial statements according to the International Financial Recording Standards, and to General Accepted Accounting Principles.

🌍 Why Geppetto? The Genesis

As entrepreneurs, we've tasted the bitter pill of a startup's demise due to opaque processes and poor accounting management. This issue doesn't just affect profitability; it creates barriers to financial inclusion. In a world driven by technological advancements, we believed it was time for an even playing field.

Geppetto's Architecture


The Promise of Decentralized Accounting

Utilizing Smart Contracts, Geppetto establishes decentralized accounting contracts, bringing reliability and transparency to the forefront. Our metric of success aligns with the cost-efficiency principle, emphasizing that accounting costs shouldn't impede a business's efficacy. To this end, our modern technological stack leverages L2 EVM-compatible solutions and off-chain decentralized tables, ensuring Geppetto is fast, efficient, and scalable.

🚧 Work In Progress

🔹 Business Inquiries: A business is a dynamic entity, and stakeholders often need quantitative insights on the fly. Whether it's inquiring about stock levels or monthly sales metrics, Geppetto is equipped to provide accurate and timely answers. Due to our architecture this is as simple as checking an address (0x….N) balance of our token. Currently we are not displaying it

🔹 Dashboard Beyond the chat interface, a visually appealing and insightful dashboard allows users to gauge performance metrics and KPIs. Be it tracking Month-on-Month revenue or understanding sales trends, the dashboard serves as a business's analytical cockpit.

How it's Made

Our project delves into the realm of blockchain accounting privacy. While some proponents in the blockchain sphere argue for the use of private blockchains as the solution, our approach deviates from the norm. Instead of using a private blockchain, we leverage the foundational aspects of the ERC-20 to tackle the permissioning quandary surrounding actors recording and accessing accounting data. Moreover, to ensure privacy, we implement a combination of encryption techniques and Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs.

Homomorphic Encryption

One of the mainstays of our project is the application of Homomorphic Encryption. This mathematical principle allows for the preservation of sums under elliptical transformation. In simpler terms, it permits the validation of accounting balances without revealing the values of individual transactions. This is depicted in the equation: a + b = c vs Encr(a) + Encr(b) = Encr(c)

Deployment on Mantle

For deployment purposes, we utilize Mantle. It requires a unique identifier that will accompany both the contract and the repository.

Wormhole Messaging

Our journey commences in the abstract chain realm. When there arises a need to send a token to the tangible world – say, a blockchain compatible with ENS, USDC, or another token – Wormhole messaging comes into play.


We plan to use a specific diagram as a workflow guide. It's imperative that we insert an initial step, which will act as an intermediary between the frontend and the interaction with the Tableland contract. This step will:

  1. Encrypt our entries.
  2. Formulate the transaction parameters that the Safe will relay on our behalf. This involves a combination of Regular Expressions and a Python handler for account cataloging, which ultimately feeds into the Safe CLI.

For instance: Input: "Purchased 2 Santa Cruz frames, model 9182, for $7,000 and paid with my BBVA card." Output:

C: Inventory (Frames) 7000
D: Accounts Payable (BBVA) 7000

XMTP Messaging

Our project also garnered the "Best Encrypted Messages Hack with Lit" prize worth $1,500. It enables sending encrypted messages to email/SMS users using Lit's "Claimable Keys" feature. The experience is tailored such that a user can securely send a message via AGivenDapp by simply inputting the recipient's email or phone number.

Tableland Prizes

Our team also participated in the Tableland challenge, where we built and deployed our application using the Tableland Studio web application.

ZK Code Implementation

For the ZK component, we used the Noir library. Our code ensures that double-entry bookkeeping adheres to its primary principle – that debits and credits must always equal each other. We incorporated the Poseidon hash function from the dep::std::hash::posseidon::bn254 library for necessary hashing operations.

Other Collaborations

  • Scroll’s Sepolia Testnet.
  • Best utilization of Polygon zkEVM.
  • Integration with the Safe{Core} Protocol and Safe{Core} Account Abstraction SDK.

In essence, our project brings together diverse technologies to address the twin challenges of permissioning and privacy in blockchain accounting. It's a harmonious blend of traditional accounting principles with cutting-edge cryptographic techniques, all aimed at ensuring transparency and trustworthiness in the blockchain space.

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