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A web3 bot to attest and verify the transactions on chain, easily!


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Project Description

Ghillibot is a Telegram bot designed to provide users with convenient tools for managing digital wallets, creating schemas, and generating attestations. The project aims to simplify the process of managing digital assets and verifying information on the blockchain.

Ghillibot's architecture combines the strengths of Python, the Telegram Bot API, blockchain technology, and partner technologies to deliver a robust, user-friendly platform for managing digital wallets, creating schemas, and generating attestations. By leveraging these technologies effectively, Ghillibot provides users with a powerful tool for securely managing their digital identities and assets while promoting trust and transparency in the digital ecosystem.

How it's Made


Building Ghillibot involved integrating several technologies to create a seamless and efficient user experience while ensuring the security and reliability of the platform.

The python-telegram-bot library was instrumental in developing Ghillibot's Telegram bot functionality. This library abstracts away the complexities of the Telegram Bot API, providing high-level abstractions, asynchronous event handling, and convenient utilities for building interactive bots. It allowed for the implementation of command handlers, message handlers, error handling, and other essential features with ease.

Ghillibot's architecture combines the strengths of Python, the Telegram Bot API, blockchain technology, and partner technologies to deliver a robust, user-friendly platform for managing digital wallets, creating schemas, and generating attestations. By leveraging these technologies effectively, Ghillibot provides users with a powerful tool for securely managing their digital identities and assets while promoting trust and transparency in the digital ecosystem.

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