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GHO Figure

Gho Figure is a new way to do cross chain DeFi using Gilts and Gho

GHO Figure

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Project Description

Gho Figure has been built to enable users to participate cross chain with Gho by using Gilt Notes which are leveraged as cross chain collateral. The purpose is to enable users to more quickly access Gho stable coin DeFi through the use of Chainlink CCIP for cross chain messaging and price oracle services.

How it's Made

Gho Figure creates a new Facilitator for the Gho Protocol through the GhoGNPool which implements the Facilitator interface for Gho. Users are able to Land Gilt Notes from Remote chains using Chainlink CCIP. These Gilt Notes can then be used by as collateral by the GhoGNPool enabling the user to borrow Gho at a fixed interest rate of 5%. Credit Limits are set at 80% of the value of the collateral.

Loan interest is applied dynamically based on the amount of outstanding balance remaining..

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