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Stream Overlays for GHO Related Alerts that works on any streaming software


Created At


Winner of

Aave - Integration Prize

Prize Pool

Family - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project provides two Streaming Overlay Plugins,

  1. Live GHO Balance counter and
  2. Alerts on receiving GHO on your address.

The project aims to make it super easy for streamers to accept GHO as tips and essentially to boost the adoption of GHO for wider audiences and consumers apps through streamers.


-> Easy to integrate Stream Overlays for GHO related alerts/events

-> Works on any Streaming Software

-> No Installation Required

How it's Made

This project is built on the Latest NEXT JS version. I am using Family's ConnectKit as a wallet connection provider. Most of the other stuff is handled by Wagmi, for listening to contract events and sending GHO to any wallet address. I have used OBS for this demo but any streaming app can be used instead. I also use Lens API to get lens handle , when someone tips the streamer. If the sender's wallet address has a Lens Handle, it will show the handle instead of the wallet address with dots.

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