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Embed seamless, secure GHO stablecoin payments into your app with ease.


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Project Description

GhoPe is a groundbreaking payment processing platform designed for the Web3 ecosystem. Our primary focus is on integrating GHO stablecoin payments into various applications, making it as seamless and user-friendly as possible. We aim to be the Stripe of Web3, offering a robust, secure, and efficient way for businesses and individuals to transact using GHO stablecoins.

Key Features:

  1. Account Abstraction for User Onboarding: We've innovated in the space of user onboarding by utilizing account abstraction. Users can sign up using familiar methods like Gmail or email, bypassing the often complex and intimidating process of creating and managing a traditional crypto wallet. This approach significantly lowers the barrier to entry for non-Web3 users.

  2. Smart Wallet Creation: Upon signing up, we automatically create a smart wallet for each user. This wallet is crucial for handling transactions but does so without exposing the user to the complexities of gas fees and wallet management, which are common hurdles in the crypto space.

  3. Payment ID System: We've developed a unique system where each transaction generates a Payment ID. This ID encapsulates critical details like the app name, transaction amount, and URLs for redirection and webhooks. This system simplifies the transaction process, making it more streamlined and automated for both users and merchants.

  4. Merchant-Friendly Features: Merchants can withdraw their GHO to any account without incurring gas fees, a feature that sets us apart in the market. Additionally, the integration of our payment system into merchant websites is made simple through a URL link ({PaymentId}). This link is a powerful tool for merchants to easily accept GHO payments.

  5. Webhook Integration and Real-Time Processing: For each successful transaction, we send crucial data (like email, txHash) to the merchant's webhook URL. This feature allows for real-time processing and automation of post-transaction actions, such as updating databases, inventory management, and customer notifications.

  6. User-Friendly Transaction Widget: The widget at our payment link is designed for ease of use, guiding the user through wallet connection and crypto transfer in a few simple steps.

How it's Made

Building GhoPe involved a strategic combination of modern technologies and innovative approaches, each chosen for its ability to contribute to a seamless, secure, and efficient payment platform. Here's a breakdown of how we built the project:

Frontend Development:

  • ReactJS: We chose ReactJS for the frontend due to its efficiency, flexibility, and the rich ecosystem of tools and libraries it offers. This allowed us to create a dynamic and responsive user interface, which is crucial for the interactive elements of our payment system, like the transaction widget and user dashboards.

Backend Development:

  • Express/Node.js: The backend of GhoPe is powered by Express running on a Node.js server. This combination is known for its performance in handling asynchronous requests and its scalability, which is essential for our platform as it grows. Node.js's compatibility with JavaScript also ensures a smooth development process, as we can use the same language on both the front and back ends.

Blockchain Integration and Wallet Management:

  • ThirdWeb Account Abstraction Kit: We utilized ThirdWeb's Account Abstraction Kit to simplify the user onboarding process. This kit allowed us to abstract away the complexities of blockchain interactions for our users, making it possible for them to sign up and transact using familiar methods like email or social logins. It played a crucial role in creating smart wallets for users without exposing them to the technicalities of gas fees and wallet management.

  • Family ConnectKit in Widget: For the transaction widget, we integrated Family ConnectKit, which facilitated a smooth and secure connection between users' wallets and our platform. This kit was instrumental in ensuring that the process of transferring crypto during transactions was user-friendly, secure, and efficient.

Database Management:

  • MongoDB: We chose MongoDB for our database needs due to its flexibility, scalability, and robust performance. Its NoSQL nature was particularly beneficial in handling the varied and complex data structures we deal with, such as user information, transaction details, and wallet data. MongoDB's scalability is also a key factor, ensuring that our database can grow with our platform.

Notable Hacks and Integrations:

  • Custom Webhook System: We developed a custom webhook system integrated with our Express/Node.js backend. This system listens for transaction confirmations and then triggers predefined actions, such as updating the merchant's database or sending transaction details to the merchant. This automation was crucial in providing real-time updates and reducing manual intervention.

  • Optimized Payment ID Generation: The generation of unique Payment IDs for each transaction was a critical feature. We implemented an algorithm that not only ensures the uniqueness of each ID but also embeds necessary transaction details. This approach streamlined the transaction process and enhanced the security of each transaction.

  • Security Enhancements: Given the sensitive nature of financial transactions, we implemented several layers of security. This included encryption of sensitive data, secure API endpoints, and regular security audits to identify and rectify vulnerabilities.

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