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Git DAO is a battery included DAO tooling to create DAOs for your open source repositories, it allows you to invest your treasury's fund to DEFI protocols.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🥉 Quicknode — Best Use

Project Description

If you start looking at different ways to monetize open source projects you'll come across two things first one being generic sponsorship and the other one being dual licensing which gives your project a different license for commercial use.

Git DAO aims to solve this problem by giving a platform, where you can create DAO for your open source project with a few clicks with a token that can be distributed among contributors and project owners.

In the future, if some entity wants to invest in the project we'll do an IDO that will result in giving the token inherent value.

How does Git DAO work?

  • Project owners can come to our platform, and they can create a DAO with a token with a few clicks specifically designed for their open source project. A certain percentage of tokens will be held by the project owner, and the rest will be stored in the DAO treasury and can be distributed among contributors.

  • Then let's say some company X uses your project in production and they are facing some scaling issue, so they'll come to your platform and raise the issue and prioritize the feature or bug they can buy tokens.

  • When they buy tokens they go through a process of IDO (initial DEX offering) or maybe some other way like ICO, which will help us add liquidity on the DEX for your DAO token and give it inherent value.

  • Another reason for holding your DAO token is speculation, people who think that this project can be big in the future like the Linux kernel can also buy/invest in tokens from your DAO to speculate on the future price of the token.

  • Although the actual mechanics are still a work in progress and I'm open to brainstorming on what should be the right way to incentivize the project / DAO.

  • And not to mention the community aspect that DAO brings to the project.

How it's Made

This project uses hardhat, nextjs, rainbowkit for authentication, ENS for address fields, and contracts are deployed on polygon Mumbai testnet. I am using openzepplin's contract for DAO with our contracts for handling treasury and offering templates for proposals.

I am using Quicknode and ethers to resolve ENS to address in DAO proposal templates. Also using quicknode API to fetch token balances of a user.

To fetch transaction events I am using covalent api.

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