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Modern decentralized community for game modders & players to create and share mods for a variety of games in a decentralized fashion.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Gitmod is a game modding community that is an innovative and open-source gathering of gamers, programmers, and creative individuals who collaborate to enhance their gaming experiences by creating and sharing mods for a variety of games in a decentralized fashion. Unlike traditional modding platforms, this community operates on decentralized principles, promoting transparency, freedom, and user control.

Problems Solved:

Censorship Resistance: Decentralization prevents a single entity from controlling or censoring content. Traditional platforms may restrict or remove mods for various reasons, but a decentralized platform would allow for greater freedom of expression.

Ownership and Control: In traditional platforms, users and content creators have limited control over their data and mods. A decentralized platform would give users more ownership and control over their contributions and identities.

Trust and Transparency: Decentralized platforms leverage blockchain or similar technologies to record transactions and decisions transparently. This enhances trust among users, as they can verify actions and governance decisions on the blockchain.

Fair Compensation: Content creators often face challenges in monetizing their mods on traditional platforms. A decentralized platform can enable fair compensation through token-based incentives and peer-to-peer transactions.

Data Privacy: Decentralized identity systems and encryption can enhance user data privacy and security. Users can have greater confidence that their personal information is not misused.

How it's Made

Push Protocol: A push protocol can be used to notify community members about updates, events, and new mods. It ensures that users are kept informed in real-time about the latest happenings in the community, fostering engagement. Users can also chat/video chat with each other.

Filecoin: Filecoin can complement the SAFE Network by providing an incentive mechanism for storage providers. Users who offer storage space for mod files can earn Filecoin, encouraging more people to participate as storage providers and ensure the availability of mods.

ApeCoin: ApeCoin, as a native cryptocurrency, can be integrated into the community to incentivize and reward content creators, active members, and moderators. ApeCoin can be used for various purposes, such as tipping mod creators, voting in governance decisions, and participating in the community's economy.

The Project is deployed on Mantle, Filecoin , Scroll and PolygonZKEVM

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