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Gitsplit: an open-source crowdfunding platform revolutionizing support for open projects. Having a seamless way to register your projects and and showcase on our beautiful dashboard. Contributors get direct shares from donations via fair algorithms.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Project Description

This project is an innovative open-source crowdfunding platform designed to support open projects. Unlike traditional crowdfunding platforms, It incorporates a unique twist by directly distributing contributions to project contributors.

When a donation is made to a project on our platform, a portion of that donation is directly allocated to the contributors of the project. This ensures that the individuals who are actively involved in the development and maintenance of the project are rewarded for their efforts. Contributors without a connected wallet address on our platform have their funds stored against their Github ID which they can withdraw in the future.

We employ a fair sharing algorithm to determine how donations are distributed among contributors. This algorithm takes into account various factors such as the level of contribution, the significance of contributions, and other relevant metrics to ensure an equitable distribution of funds from Github. Project managers have the ability to modify contributions publicly. They can adjust the allocation of funds to contributors based on their level of involvement or other criteria. These modifications are transparent and visible to all stakeholders, ensuring accountability and fairness in the distribution process.

Additionally, project managers can allocate a separate percentage share of donations to cover project costs such as infrastructure expenses, marketing, or other operational needs. This flexibility allows for efficient budget management and ensures that the project has the resources it needs to thrive.

How it's Made

The frontend of gitsplit is built using ReactJS, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React allows for the creation of dynamic and interactive UI components, making it well-suited for a modern crowdfunding platform. The React frontend interacts with the backend APIs to fetch data and perform various actions.

For wallet activities such as sending and receiving payments, we integrated Thirdweb JS, a JavaScript library that provides functionalities for interacting with blockchain wallets. This integration enables users to securely manage their funds directly from the gitsplit platform. The backend of gitsplit is built using Go (Golang), a programming language known for its performance, concurrency support, and simplicity. Go is well-suited for building scalable and efficient server-side applications, making it a great choice for the backend of a crowdfunding platform. The backend handles various tasks such as user authentication, payment processing, and data management.

We have implemented a smart contract on the blockchain to store essential information such as addresses and GitHub IDs of contributors. This smart contract is deployed on a blockchain network and interacts with the frontend and backend APIs to ensure transparency and immutability of data. In gitsplit, IPFS is used to store images associated with projects, such as project logos or cover images. When a user uploads an image, it is encrypted, hashed, and then stored across multiple nodes in the IPFS network. This ensures redundancy and resilience, as well as providing efficient access to the images for display on the platform.

To efficiently fetch transaction histories and other data from the blockchain, we utilize GraphQL, a query language for APIs. GraphQL allows us to define flexible and precise queries to fetch only the data we need, improving performance and reducing unnecessary data transfer. To fetch project statistics and information about open-source projects, we utilize GitHub's API. This allows us to retrieve data such as the number of contributors, commit activity, and other relevant metrics, which are then displayed on the platform to provide transparency and insights to users.

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