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Global Voice

Global Voice is a DAO representing all humans in the world. Through secure and transparent voting mechanisms combined with World ID powered by Worldcoin, every human is granted the right to participate in shaping societal solutions and policies.

Global Voice

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

Global Voice is a DAO representing every human in the world. The mission of Global Voice DAO is to give every human a right to be heard and remove censorship imposed by governments and other institutions. We have developed a voting platform where every verified human can anonymously submit a proposal on global societal issue and every verified human can anonymously vote on every proposal.

We implemented conviction voting mechanism. This a method that allows individuals to allocate their voting power based on the strength of their preferences. It takes into consideration the intensity of conviction or confidence that each person has for a particular option. This approach allows for more nuanced decision-making, as it reflects the varying degrees of support or opposition towards different proposals.

By giving all individuals the right to vote on societal problems, direct democracy strives for a more egalitarian and representative form of governance.

How it's Made

React native platform

We have used Worldcoin and their exisiting SDKs to identify that each user who is partaking in the voting process is human. After the verification process is completed successfully, we then set up a voting system to make every human's voice heard!

For the voting process, we have used the Voting Vaults provided by Delv. We have built on their existing UI and changed the vote distribution mechanism off-chain to recreate conviction voting

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