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Goldberg Calculator

The world's most over-engineered calculator: using Filecoin's Bacalhau to add integers.

Goldberg Calculator

Created At


Winner of

🧮 IPFS/Filecoin — Best use of project Bacalhau with data on IPFS

Project Description

Attempts to utilize Filecoin's bacalhau to add integers.

There are some bugs that prevented me from reaching that goal, but overall I am happy with how much I was able to learn in the process.

This was the first time I built a full-stack application (backend+frontend), which was very educational.

How it's Made

Gives end users an easy way to add numbers using Filecoin's bacalhau network. There is a html+js frontend, which submits the numbers to add to a Golang server backend. The server communicates with the Bacalhau network to add the numbers together.

This was the first time I built a full-stack application (backend+frontend), which was very educational.

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