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GG is a bridge (get it?) protocol that makes it easier, cheaper and safer to bridge between chains whilst improving the UX.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Scroll - Best on Scroll

Hyperlane - Best Interchain Application 2nd Place

Project Description

GG is a bridge (get it?) protocol that makes it easier, cheaper and safer to bridge between chains whilst improving the UX.

Users can express their needs in the form of a structured intent:

i.e. "I have 10 ETH on Polygon and I want it to be transferred to CELO and get at least 9.98 ETH back within 30 seconds" is translated to:

{ source_chain: 1101, destination_chain: 42220, input_token: ETH, output_token: ETH, input_amount: 10.0, minimum_output: 9.98, time_limit_seconds: 30 } which can then supplied to Solvers who then compete to provide the most compelling bid to satisfy this requirement.

GG works as an RFQ style marketplace for matching using bridging intents with Solvers who are incentivised through fees to provide a bridging service either using their existing collateral inventory directly or through their own market making strategies.

Once an intent is expressed, solvers compete to facilitate this. Solvers indicate their bids to fulfil the intent with the user picking the most desirable (presumably on price) after an RFQ window of approx 30 seconds.

How it's Made

The entirity of the logic with GG is encapsulated within the Solidity smart contract, named GoldenGate. This facilitates cross-chain bridging of assets by managing intents and bids between different blockchain networks. The contract is designed to work with the Hyperlane protocol for trustless message passing across chains.

Solvers can be made in any language with the only requirement being that they can tail web3 Logs and initiate transactions.

Technical details on the README :

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