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GraphID is a self-sovereign knowledge graph platform that promotes data autonomy by enabling users to structure, manage, and visualize their data from various Web2 and Web3 accounts.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

๐Ÿฅˆ Mask Network โ€” Best Use of RelationService

๐ŸŠ Push Protocol โ€” Pool Prize

Project Description

In Web2 and Web3, users struggle with fragmented data ownership, lack of control, and inefficient management across various platforms. 81%ย of consumers say they have become more concerned about how their data is used online.

The Problem

In the digital era, managing and visualising data across multiple platforms is challenging, current systems lack the necessary structure, and users find it hard to control their data and prove their digital identity.

  • Difficulty in managing and visualizing data across Web2 and Web3 platforms.
  • Current systems lack structured data sharing and management.
  • Users struggle with understanding and controlling their data relationships.
  • Verifying digital identity and proving humanity is challenging.
  • Organizations lack clear insights about potential members.

The Solution

GraphID revolutionizes data management with efficient visualization, structured data sharing, secure user authentication, proof of humanity integration, and features that enhance data sovereignty and transparency.

  • A self-sovereign knowledge graph platform for efficient data management and visualization.
  • Advanced features for structured data and innovative data-sharing methods.
  • Secure user authentication via Wallet Connect and
  • Integration with Worldcoin to provide proof of humanity, enhancing credibility and trust.
  • Facilities for specific user data requests by organisations like DAOs.
  • Strong emphasis on users' data sovereignty and transparency.

How it's Made

Our application leverages WalletConnect for user connectivity, facilitating a mobile interface for users to access and control their GraphID data anytime, anywhere.

Upon signing into the application, users gain access to their knowledge and social graph - a secured data management tool that necessitates a verification of humanity for data sharing. This is achieved using WorldID. Users simply employ the command tool, choose 'spotlight', and then opt for the WorldID verification command. This process verifies the user with WorldID, creating a node in their graph to demonstrate this connection.

After the WorldID connection is established, users can link their various social accounts. Instead of using OAuth, our application utilises for verification. This was chosen specifically to prevent applications from having write access to our data, which reduces dependence on centralised authentication services like OAuth.

Following the integration of various social accounts, users are empowered to manage the sharing of their information within the app. This offers a clear and interactive display of data connections with individuals and organisations, including Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs).

Users have the ability to join an organisation directly within the app. Upon joining, they attest their membership to the organisation and have the choice of what data to share with that specific organisation. The organisation's members can mutually attest, fostering a robust social graph. Subsequently, the organisation can utilise the user data as a potential asset, which may or may not be monetized.

In scenarios where organisations necessitate specific criteria for joining, our application caters to this through the use of Sismo. If a DAO requires a user to possess one of their NFTs, maintain a minimum follower count, and provide human verification, Sismo enables the creation of a Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proof. This proof validates the aforementioned conditions and provides the user access to the organisation without the need to share any additional information.

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