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Our platform empowers businesses to issue custom crypto rewards, fostering engagement, retaining talent, and fueling collaboration. Leverage our platform to make your business web3 native with user-friendly tech and cost-effective methods.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Our platform Gratie, enables businesses to issue their own cryptocurrency rewards for customer engagement, employee retention, and ecosystem sustainability. With these rewards, businesses can analyze customer behavior, retain talent, and collaborate with other services. Ultimately, this creates a more robust infrastructure for business success.

What are the problems addressed by gratie ?

  1. Ensuring a balanced and sustainable relationship between service providers and businesses can be challenging, as exemplified by Uber. For instance, when a driver earns $100 from a ride, 80% of the earnings go to the driver and 20% to the platform. However, many users are dissatisfied with the platform fee and may attempt to circumvent the system, making it difficult for companies to maintain a harmonious ecosystem.
  2. Gaining accurate customer feedback through reviews and testimonials is crucial for understanding their behavior. However, even reviews and testimonials can be manipulated by a centralized system.
  3. Acquiring customers for a new business or community can be difficult, and companies typically spend an average of $586 to attract and retain customers. Retaining an employee costs a company an average of $4860.
  4. Typically, rewards and incentives offered to service providers are paid in fiat currency, which can take a minimum of 2-3 days to be received in their pockets..
  5. Not all service providers have financial literacy or knowledge to invest in company shares or own a stake in the companies they work for. Furthermore, some companies may not have any share or ESOPs (employee stock ownership plans) programs available for service providers.

How gratie solves the above mentioned problem :

  1. By incentivizing employees and service providers with a crypto currency that can be traded internally and with other crypto currencies, businesses can foster a healthier ecosystem with a range of supported services. This approach not only encourages participation and collaboration, but also strengthens the overall system by creating a network of interconnected actors.
  2. Offering incentives to both users and employees can lead to a retention rate of approximately 50% on average for businesses. This means that by providing rewards or benefits to these stakeholders, companies can expect to retain roughly half of their user base and staff over a certain period of time.
  3. Businesses can set up their own blockchain infrastructure for creating and listing their cryptocurrency quickly and inexpensively, rather than using an internal team which can be costly.
  4. Collaborating with supporting services and allowing the usage of company tokens can reduce CAC by 30%. This creates a symbiotic relationship where collaborating businesses can acquire customers through the company tokens. Such an approach builds a robust ecosystem around the generated enterprise token.
  5. By offering tokens in return for customer feedback, this platform serves as a means to gain new customers and increase brand loyalty over time. This incentivizes customers to provide feedback, which can help improve the product or service and enhance overall customer experience. Ultimately, the platform creates a mutually beneficial relationship between customers and the business.

How it works :

Our platform offers a simple and intuitive user experience, enabling businesses and communities to easily create their own cryptocurrency with just a few clicks and at a significantly lower cost than developing their own blockchain infrastructure. Setting up an in-house blockchain team and infrastructure can be a time-consuming and challenging process, but our solution provides a hassle-free alternative for generating custom cryptocurrency.

  1. Acquire an enterprise NFT to use our platform, with a one-time fee based on your business needs. Try our free tier first.
  2. Use ERC-721 for enterprise authentication, allowing NFT owners to create their own cryptocurrency. Validate company valuations and store your valuation on chain (RWA)
  3. Set reward distribution percentage and customize token details in your company profile.
  4. Users request user NFTs through the consumer dashboard, admins can approve multiple users with one click, generating ERC-1155 bundler NFTs.
  5. Instantly reward users based on tiers and levels, with fees only based on user count. Users claim rewards through the dashboard using their NFT authentication.

How it's Made

Technology used for building gratie:

  1. We utilize the Hardhat framework and Solidity 0.8.9 for contract development and deployment.
  2. Integration of wallets is achieved through RainbowKit and Wagmi.
  3. Data storage, including logos, images, and NFT metadata, is facilitated by IPFS with the assistance of ThirdWeb.
  4. Backend integration involves utilizing EVM event listeners to securely store transaction details in our database.
  5. Alchemy SDK is employed for the detection of user NFTs.
  6. Our platform adheres to Ethereum standards, such as ERC-721 and ERC-1155 for NFTs, ERC-20 for custom tokens, ERC-1167 for reward token proxy deployment, and ERC-1967 for upgradable contracts. On-chain authorization is implemented through ownership and role-based access management.
  7. The platform supports networks such as Filecoin Calibration and Goerli.
  8. We ensure the security of admin private keys and generate EIP-712-based signatures using AWS Lambda and KMS encryption.
  9. Our backend is powered by Node.js, and AWS.
  10. Deployment of MongoDB using spheron
  11. The frontend is developed using React.js, Material UI, and the Framework Motion library.
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