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"Introducing GreenChain, a user-friendly Web 3.0 app that helps individuals and companies monitor their carbon emissions and taxes. Stay below government-set caps, earn rewards in crypto tokens, and track your progress towards a sustainable future. 🌍"


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

GreenChain is an innovative Web 3.0 application designed to revolutionize carbon emissions monitoring and tracking for individuals and companies. Our platform provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily log in, access their personalized dashboard, and track their carbon footprint in real-time.

With GreenChain, users can submit their carbon emissions data across various forms and sources, enabling accurate calculations of their total carbon tax. Government-set carbon caps specific to different industries are transparently displayed, ensuring compliance and accountability.

To encourage sustainable practices, we have implemented a rewarding system. Users who stay below the emission cap earn crypto tokens in proportion to the amount of CO2 they saved. These tokens can be utilized to lower their tax liabilities, promoting cost-effective carbon management.

Our smart contract integration ensures secure and transparent transactions, enabling users to view all data, including carbon emissions, taxes, and rewards. The application offers comprehensive analytics, visually presenting emission trends, and identifying areas where users can make changes for a greener footprint.

GreenChain goes beyond individual progress. Users can share their achievements and collaborate with others, fostering a community-driven approach to sustainability. By leveraging blockchain technology, GreenChain strives to make a meaningful impact on combating climate change, one carbon footprint at a time.

How it's Made

In building GreenChain, we utilized a combination of HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, Bootstrap, and Django to create the web application. HTML provided the structure of the application, CSS handled the styling and layout, and Vanilla JavaScript enabled interactivity and dynamic functionalities. Bootstrap was leveraged for its responsive design components and grid system, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices.

Django, a Python web framework, served as the backbone of our application, facilitating data management, user authentication, and seamless integration between the front-end and back-end. It provided a robust foundation for handling user inputs, processing data, and generating dynamic web pages.

For the smart contract development and integration, we utilized Solidity, a programming language specifically designed for creating Ethereum-based smart contracts. Solidity allowed us to define the logic and rules governing the emission data, carbon tax calculations, and reward distribution. The smart contracts were then deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring transparency, immutability, and security.

While building GreenChain, we made sure to follow best practices and maintain clean code structure. We focused on modularizing our code, implementing separation of concerns, and ensuring scalability for future enhancements.

As for notable hacky techniques, we leveraged third-party libraries and frameworks like Bootstrap to accelerate our development process, enabling us to create a visually appealing and responsive user interface more efficiently. Additionally, we made use of Django's built-in authentication system for user management, saving us time and effort in implementing custom authentication functionalities.

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