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Social betting app to engage in betting games and create private social betting pools. Losers earn special tokens and everybody is a winner.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

The betting app introducing a social twist, where friends, and fellow betting enthusiasts can come together to place bets on a variety of events. Nobody is a loser. The traditional winners earn get winnings from the betting pool and losers get minted tokens which can be used for playing additional games not available for those without special tokens. So you also have to lose to get access to some of the features of the app.

Everybody can create own betting pools and control access to those pools. It is possible to join those pools or keep them private with your friends.

How it's Made

The project uses Scaffold ETH 2, nextjs, Web3modal. The frontend is built with Next.js and tailwind css and typescript. The contracts are planned to be deployed to Arbitrum. The frontend was deployed to Using Scaffold ETH 2 turned out to be a challenge which significantly slowed down development because it introduced some non-standard set-ups and environment variables which made further integrations much more challenging. Run out of time before managing to sort things out.

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